As your loved one ages, it can become more difficult for them to achieve a well-balanced diet and obtain proper nutrition, which helps keep them healthy and strong. Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to support them toward good health and nutrition.

Overcoming Obstacles to Good Nutrition

Your body changes significantly as you age — and so does how you eat. Maybe you notice that your mom is snacking more and not eating a well-balanced diet or that your dad hardly eats at all. If your loved one doesn’t eat enough, doesn’t eat the right foods, or loses the ability to absorb certain nutrients, it can cause health issues or make health conditions worse.

Using the Nutrition Checklist for Older Adults

This Nutrition Checklist for Older Adults offers more than 25 tips to help family caregivers cope with common problems that can make it harder for older people to eat healthily. Challenges that are addressed include:

  • Dining alone
  • Problems chewing or swallowing food
  • Food tasting different
  • Lack of appetite
  • Physical problems making it hard to eat
  • Food and medicine interactions
  • Dehydration
Nutrition Checklist for Older Adults

Most family caregivers face challenges like these at some point. These simple tips will help you empower your loved one to eat healthily, cope with changes that affect their appetite and eating, and make mealtime enjoyable again.


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